Delivering Perishable Goods in the Age of Social Distancing: How Food Distribution Software Can Help

April 13, 2020
By Harvest

The current coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has radically affected how we go about our daily lives. Delivering Perishable Goods has drastically changed in the Age of Social Distancing.

With millions of Americans staying home for the foreseeable future due to school closures, job loss, a growing emphasis on remote work, and the obligation to flatten the curve, even essential organizations have needed to make significant changes in order to reach their customers.

While it may not be business as usual, we’ll all need to respond to and adjust our processes in order to weather the storm and continue to thrive.


The Good and the Bread


If you run a bakery business or otherwise deal in the production and delivery of perishable goods, you’ve undoubtedly been impacted by COVID-19. For one thing, you’ve most likely needed to place an increased emphasis on worker and food safety to build customer trust and do your part to stop the spread of this potentially deadly virus. You may have also needed to adjust your operating hours to accommodate more stringent safety measures or changed your production schedule to meet growing demands.

In fact, the growing demand for bakery goods and other perishable products saw astounding growth during the week-long period of March 8 to March 15, 2020. Sales within the bakery aisle of U.S. stores increased by 62.3% year-over-year during that time, according to the American Bakers Association. And while many restaurants have closed their doors, contactless food delivery demand is up by 20%.


Baking Up a Solution


It’s clear that the demand for baked goods and other perishables is certainly there. But while profitable, those sudden surges can also come with their own challenges.

Since demand is at a record high, supply must follow. Not only will large-scale bakeries need to make adjustments to their production schedule and inventory management, but they’ll also need to ensure that their ordering and delivery processes make it simple for their customers to fulfill the needs of American consumers during this challenging time.

You’ll likely need to fine-tune exactly how you deliver your perishable products in order to keep up. The effects of the pandemic are unprecedented, but perishable food businesses like yours need to remain highly adaptable and responsive to changes in consumer trends.


Technology’s On the Rise


During this period of social distancing, most people are turning to technology to streamline their operations. Regional bakeries, and even smaller bakery businesses, are no exception.

By using food distribution software, you can ensure your customers are able to find what they’re looking for and that you’ll be able to fulfill those orders. This option can be an excellent way to promote efficiency, accuracy, and convenience for both the bakery and the customer. Direct store delivery software makes the entire process go much more smoothly when the stakes are high.

Direct store delivery software is essentially the framework that will allow your bakery to continue to operate as needed — and keep up with constantly-changing conditions. Having that foundation in place will allow you to address inventory issues, fill orders, minimize errors, and keep track of numerous deliveries to ensure customer satisfaction.

With specialty markets, grocery store chains, and other essential businesses regularly selling out of food staples, your bakery may need to ramp up production or make adjustments to deliveries in order to thrive. Making full use of available food delivery tracking software can allow you to stay on top of all of those necessary details while ensuring your partners get what their customers want. In addition, this type of food distribution software can make your team that much more efficient and allow you to make the smartest decisions possible during a stressful time.


Food Distribution Software Lets Bakeries Roll With the Punches


There’s no doubt that most business owners — even those in essential industries — are struggling to adapt to what’s going on in the world right now. Not knowing what the future will bring can feel completely overwhelming; there’s really no way to plan for what might come next. But you can take steps to control your food delivery in the here and now.

Consumers are currently discouraged from frequenting certain locations, but many food-related businesses are booming in the wake of the pandemic. Your use of HarvestDSD software and other technologies can allow you to obtain the insights you need to supply essential goods quickly and accurately. You can easily keep track of sales and ordering coordinate delivery options, and manage all data from a single portal when you utilize a food distribution software program.

The emphasis on social distancing is meant to keep us safe. Even better, it doesn’t need to spell disaster for your bakery. By examining market data, making necessary adjustments to product offerings, and exploring more effective delivery options, you can continue to provide consumers with the perishable food products they expect.

What’s more, you can manage your delivery — and all other components of the supply chain — through centralized digital means. Not only does that provide more convenience and cost savings for you, but it also minimizes risk and waste during a pivotal period for your business.

With help from HarvestDSD software for food distribution and delivery, your bakery will have the means to simplify operations and adapt to changing conditions without missing a beat. At a time when so much is uncertain, this platform can provide you with the compass your business needs to sail through uncharted waters.

Ready to find out how food distribution software can allow your business to comply with social distancing measures without compromising on results? Harvest Food Solutions is here to help. Our HarvestDSD software solutions make it easy to address every aspect of the supply chain from one digital portal. Contact us today to book a demo to learn how our perishable food software can take your efforts to the next level.

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